Seattle Squeeze

As many of us have heard the Seattle Squeeze, the closing of The Alaskan Way Viaduct in preparation for the new 99 tunnel, is quickly approaching.  Our Seattle Earthwise customers will unfortunately be affected by this and we wanted to give everybody a heads up as to what is going on so you can plan your travel to work, school, and of course to us!

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Here is a timeline of major SoDo related projects that will impact traffic starting in January:

January 4, 2019 | SR 99 Stadium Ramps Close: Northbound SR 99 on-ramp from Royal Brougham Way and Southbound SR 99 off-ramp to S Atlantic Street close about one week before the full closure to allow for work on connections to the new SR 99 tunnel.

January 11, 2019 | Alaskan Way Viaduct Closes: WSDOT will close SR 99 through downtown Seattle for approximately three weeks to build roadway and ramp connections, realign SR 99 and open the new SR 99 tunnel.

Early February 2019 | SR 99 Tunnel Opens: The new 2-mile stretch of SR 99 tunnel opens to traffic. After the tunnel opens the northbound off-ramp to
downtown will remain closed for up to two weeks.

Early 2019 – 2020 | Alaskan Way Viaduct Removal and Related Projects: After the tunnel opens, AWV demolition begins by the waterfront, the Battery Street Tunnel will be decommissioned, and surface streets around Aurora Ave N will be reconnected.

March 2019 | Bus Service Ends in the Light Rail Tunnel: King County Metro bus routes 41, 74, 101, 102, 150, 255 and Sound Transit Express Route 550 buses will no longer use the transit tunnel and will operate on surface streets, including a new transit pathway on 5th and 6th Avenues.

2019 – 2021 | Waterfront Construction: Built by the City of Seattle’s Office of the Waterfront, the new Alaskan Way street will be transformed along the waterfront with a new promenade and connections to the Pike Place Market.

2019 | SR 99 Tunnel Tolling: The SR 99 tunnel will be free to use when it opens for a period before tolling starts. Tolling could begin as early as summer 2019.

For more information regarding the Seattle Squeeze and all the downtown construction projects check out Seattle Traffic.

Also remember Earthwise now has an online inventory you can shop from the comfort of your home.  We offer 24 hour holds and once you purchase an item you have a week to pick it up.

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