The Big Boss
Director of Operations
Director of Aquisitions
Threw his corporate desk job out the window in favor of getting down and dirty in the world of salvage. He can be found in the shop or salvaging an old house.
Seattle Store Manager
Director of Marketing
Seattle store Assistant Manager
The Lighting Lady
Seattle Assistant Store Manager
Tacoma Store Manager
Tacoma Assistant Manager
Mill Guy Dave
Retail Crew/Delivery Driver
Bob is a Second Use transplant, guitar
picker, and resident Deadhead for the Tacoma store. He enjoys anything old,
rusty, and greasy.
Retail Crew
Kabir is not the beloved rubber rat at the Tacoma store.
Aberdeen Store Manager
Aberdeen Assistant Manager
Aberdeen Retail Staff
Aberdeen Retail Staff
Kenmore Assistant Manager
Jaime has turned hoarding into a presentation art form. The only thing she loves more than accumulating and curating interesting and historical artifacts are her dogs, Birdie and Pie.
Kenmore Store Manager
Kenmore crew
Kenmore retail crew
Max is a 3-d sculptural artist and an avid trinket collector (or hoarder depending on who you ask). He also enjoys buying and selling old clothes and hand tools. In his free time you can find him at estate sales or junk-yards getting his hands dirty digging for the loot.
Dog Crew
Dog Crew
Dog Crew
Dog Crew
Dog Crew
Dog Crew